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A shared moment halved — Famke Veenstra-Ashmore


Medium: Poetry

Instagram: @famkeva

I knew of you before this: a perfect plurality of talents

balancing boys and books like red, spinning plates.

Challenging: a circus act, getting by on gestured praise,

performing with borrowed smiles and, of course, time –

I never noticed you before that moment on the bus: you let a small admission go, a small admission sought,

Shared, halved. That mutuality, I acknowledge now,

flitted through me like birdsong, trailing my footsteps

and nesting in my thoughts. Climbing by the hour

a trunk so raw, but pulling itself forward in time,

so it could settle and reach me now. I know you,

and the world has become magnified, our silence

outlined in feverish gold. I wonder one day, if the

distance will find you sat there, thinking on that

moment of confession, where everything changed –
